I love when I run into great, just plain fantastically great videos from youtube. It really makes me feel that watching youtube is not just a complete waste time. I do waste a lot of time there.
A friend mentioned this one to me and I love it. I don't care for music videos because most of the time they never relate to the lyrics and therefore have no meaning to the song. But these new takes are fantastic. I cry each time I watch them.
Total Eclipse is probably my favorite. I had never seen the video before this though and had I, I probably wouldn't like the song so much. Seriously?!! I realize 80's music is "out there" but this was what? I try to relate back to the original lyrics but it still doesn't make much sense.
I love this song. Again I had never seen the video until now. I so wish I had the creativity and stamina to do something like this. I wish I could create videos on a computer. If I could I may never leave my computer. I'd have to get a job making videos.
I LOVE, LURVE, LUV, HEART Twilight as much as the next young women but I also have a sense of humor. I hilariously laugh at every Twilight related video that EvilIguanaProduction puts out. I also immensely enjoy The Allen & Craig Show. Check them out once, twice or even a few hundred times.
Now let's see if Blogger will post this post. It may be too big.(That's what she said.)
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